Wednesday, October 7, 2015

First Week at the MTC! 

Hi everyone! Hermana Connolly here again! Love you! 
I have officially been at the Provo MTC for a week! Wow! There are a bunch of new missionaries coming right now and it's a little weird not to be the 'littlest' anymore. Wow! :D When I had my 'dork dot' on a week ago it was so wonderful to have so many missionaries say hi to me! :D so now, I get to return the favor today! :D
This week has both gone by fast and slow. Days go by slow.... but the week goes by fast. Haha. When I first got here it was all a 'whirlwind.' I loved the moment when I put my name tag on. It was amazing! :D I'm finally Hermana Connolly! I have waited for this for so long! I still cannot believe that this is all real. It's funny, I will look at myself in the mirror throughout the day and still cant get over the fact that it really says my name and this this is all real! It has also been amazing how throughout the week I have truly noticed that we also have the name of Jesus Christ on ourselves and that His name is MUCH more important than our name. Such a blessing.
In our first 'group' meeting with all the new missionaries, a week ago, the MTC Presidency helped me to feel a lot better about how to take all of the 'new' things in. He told us that we will of course all be nervous and anxious... but that "You Can Do This!" It was exactly what I needed to hear and that has been my moto for the week! I can do this. As a side note, another thing that i learned from this week is that we NEED Christ in our lives. There are so many things that seem impossible in this life but i know that through and with Him we can do anything. This is also a very big thing that I have learned this week. <3
My companion , Hermana Clyde, and I have had a great week together. Sadly, I think she is highly considering going home because she has a lot of anxiety about things and is unsure about being here but I'm just praying that she sees the potential that I see in her. We will have to see what happens. We have been a great team so far! We have taught two lessons to our investigator Benjamin, and it has been very hard and very interesting. We had a lot of trouble the first lesson as we were teaching the Restoration but it actually was really good. He started to learn more fully that Heavenly Father was there and that he was watching over him. We even talked a little bit about prayer. With our second lesson on Monday our Spanish was only a little bit better but it actually made all the difference because it went really well! We taught about the Holy Ghost and more about prayer and he totally understood us. We talked about how important out relationship with God is and he then started asking us about why were on a mission and what kind of sacrifices we had to make in order to be a missionary. It was great! We told him about how we are away from our families and that we pay for a lot of it on our own and he was so impressed! It was great! That's where he really realized that we were serious about the wonderful messages that we were teaching him.
We are teaching Ben again tonight which I am pretty nervous about, about but it will be okay. :D 
My district is really fun! There are 4 hermanas and 3 elders. :D We are all so crazy but it's nice that we are all on the same level of Spanish. I have a lot to learn! Spanish is really hard. I've definitely learned that the gift of tongues is real!  One of the sisters in my district, Hemana Hulme, was actually as AFY with me a few years ago! I still cannot believe the luck that made that happen! :D There is another elder in my district who is going to the same mission as me. How cool is that?! His name is Elder Donaldson. We also have people going to the Portland Visitors Center, Nicaragua, Kentucky, Panama, and my companion who is going to northern Mexico. :D 
 I've seen a lot of people that I know here actually. It always makes my day better when I see them! :D I've seen Sister Hollingshaus which has been amazing! I've seen a few other people from Highland which has been cool. I've actually ran into a good amount of people that I met at USU. I saw Sister Cannon, (aka Skippy) here a lot! She is so wonderful and it is amazing to get to see her! :D 
Conference was so amazing! I loved being at the MTC watching it because it helped me to be more focused while also focusing on how I can apply the teachings to missionary work. Which! by the way, is always possible! I hope that everyone is taking the chance to 'ponderize' one scripture a week! I've heard that social media went crazy about it! so amazing! 
On Sunday night, for our MTC Devotional we had Vocal Point! :D Wahoo! It was absolutely amazing! Last night for our Tuesday night devotional, we have Linda K. Burton come and she was amazing! I admire so many things about her! Wow! She is one amazing woman. We were so lucky to hear from her! :D 
We met with our Branch President and his wife last night for the first time and she said something amazing that I wanted to share with you all. She said, "Here are three tips that I can give you towards anything you will be doing in life. 1. Work harder than anyone else. 2. Love! Learn and develop love in ways that you didn't know before. 3. Smile! Be happy!" Isn't that amazing?! It was exactly what I needed to hear last night! :D
I would love to hear from anyone! My address for the MTC for the next 5 weeks will be:

Sister Morgan Connolly 
2005 N. 900 E. Unit 290
Provo, Ut 84602

Also! There is which is amazing and again, I would love to hear from you if you can! :D 

Thank you for all the love, support, and prayers. I love you all! I am so grateful that I am on a mission right now because I know that it is what I am supposed to do. I love this gospel with all of my heart! <3

With all my love, 

Hermana Connolly 

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