Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Many are called...few are Hermanas

Week 2 at the Provo MTC was great! :D it seems to go by so fast but also so slow. There were a ton of really awesome classes this week. Spanish is hard! but! It's going well! :D I'm finding that I know more than I think that I know! but! on the other hand as well.... I have a lot to learn luckily I have great teachers and a great district! :D 
So... on Friday morning our first investigator Benjamin became our new Teacher! wow! It was so weird! He continued to talk only in Spanish even though we tried to see if we could get any English out of him. It was funny and it still throws me off! haha Hermano Ostler is such a great teacher. He is so devoted to teaching and helping us in any way that he can. He is truly such a blessing! 
Also on Friday morning, my companion did end up going home which was sad but I know that she was such a blessing for me even if she was only here for a week. I feel so blessed to have gotten to know her so well. <3
Saturday was long because it was technically our 'first' Saturday (since conference was last week). It was a ton of class time which was hard! Plus, this seemed to be the first day that all of our tiredness began to sink in.
I had a terrible headache that day which made it even harder. It was a great day however! Hermano Ostler taught us about how we should feel blessed to be able to teach the gospel in Spanish because he wishes that he would have realized that earlier. I know that i am so blessed to be 'Hermana' Connolly and that I have been called by God to teach the gospel (el Evangelio) in Spanish. (i had to throw in some Spanish into that. <3)
Sunday was great because it was also our 'first' Sunday! :D It was a really amazing sacrament meeting with Spanish hymns and some Spanish talks given by the elders in our zone how went out into the field earlier this week. It was incredible! 
We had a great experience with a few members of our zone as we took on the 'challenge' of doing a 24 hour fast. It was from a talk called " The Personal Purity Challenge." I highly suggest, anyone who wants to, to look it up. It's so great! It was a great experience for all of us and allowed us to more fully all be on the same page and to have similar goals with each other. It was also nice to be able to also think about the personal goals that I want to make for myself. 
On Sunday night we had the MTC Admin. Director speak to us which was so great. For our Tuesday night devotional we had L. Whitney Clayton, president of the 70, come speak to us along with his wife. Both of these devotionals were so great and they really helped us to focus on how we as missionaries can better focus on the investigator. The Clayton's really helped me to better understand what an amazing future the church has because of missionary work. 
On Tuesday I actually had to opportunity to leave the MTC and go to SLC. Which was WAY weird!! I was literally like 5 minutes away from home! Shout out to all my friends and family in SLC! I was think about you all yesterday! I had to go to SLC in order to go to the Mexican Consulate Office. It was a short visit but I was able to figure out the rest of my VISA stuff. yay! 
Last night for the Tuesday devo, I sang in the choir again and we sang, Joseph Smiths First Prayer. It was an amazing experience. I loved how much our director wanted us to emphasize the amazing event of this! That it was because of this event that we have the gospel but that ALSO  that we have a living prophet on earth day who called us to be missionaries for 'La Iglesia De JesuCristo De Los Santos De Los Ultimas Dias." It was amazing! I hope that I never overlook the importance of that event and of the great significance that it has for everyone! 
I feel so blessed to be here at the Provo MTC and i have been reminded of how much I really do love Utah. Going back to SLC this week reminded me of how thankful i am for all for all of the people that i had the chance to meet and learn from since moving to UTah. It will forever be a blessing in my life. 
I hope that you know that i have a tesitmony of Jesus Chirst and that he lives. I am eternally grateful to my Heavenly Father for all of the things that he has blessed me with. For this reason, I hope to be able to bring more people to the church so they can hear of this glorious message of the Gospel. It is so amazing! I am so blessed to put on my name tag each day and to literally take upon myself the name of Jesus Christ. 
I love you all so much! Thank you for the prayers and support! 
With all my love, 
Hermana Connolly 

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