Monday, November 28, 2016

Feliz Conpadre o Triste Cuate.... You Choose! haha

This week went by super duper fast! It was crazy and actaully a little sad. What happened was that my companion Hna Gomez woke up on Wednesday and one of her back molers was bugging her a ton. So we went to the appointments that we had at 11 and 12 and then headed with una Hermana who is always willing to help us. She gave us a little bit of medicide but it didnt help.... at that point my comp had a lot of pain! eek.. it was so sad. We used other medications but the sad part is that literaly noything worked! I felt so bad for her and I did everything i could think of! We didnt sleep at all that night. In the morning I started calling everyone.. lideres de zona, capacitadoras, dentistas, doctores... un buen! haha A few answered and a few no... It was super stressful! I finally contacted a dentist that said she could see us right then so we left for her office! but she then had a patient! ahh!!!! My poor companion she was in so much pain! After about an hour she saw my comp and did what she could and recommended a few medication. We went to buy it and then hoped for the best. and guess what?? It didnt help at all!! hahaha another night of not sleeping. haha In the morning I felt so helpless and had no idea how to help my companion. I prayed a ton to know what we needed to do. :( I then realized that I needed to give her ibprofen. and Thankfully it worked!!!!!! I was sooo happy!!!! haha at about 12 we were to another dentist who then sent us with another doctor who gave us more medications but again... didnt work! haha at about 4 we got the house of Tia Lili (she is amazing!!! ) because my companion was in soo much pain once again... When it got to be too much we finally went to yet another dentist who finally made the pain so away!!!!! I felt soo sad for my compa!!!! aww! 
Yeah.. I know that was a huge story but it was crazy! Thanksfully my companion is now better and we are going to see the dentist again today to see if everything is okay. :D 
The truth is that this took up a huge part of our week. What was amazing was that our baptism somehow turned out!!!! Antony was baptized on Saturday and was super happy! He is from Honduras and is living with his grandparents who are members. He has such a strong testimony! Its amazing!
It was a crazy week of sickness but it was great! 
and we recieved a BIG surprise yesteraday during our stake conference. Turns out that they decided to combine our ward (Barrio Juarez) with the ward of Hna Limon and Hna Jasperson(Barrio Central)! haha so now we are.... Barrio Mactumatzà!!!!!!!!! Wahoo!! haha Its going to be great! We are excited to see how we can work with new members of our ward! yay! 

Well I got to go... Adios!!!!
Les amo!!!!!! 
Hna Morgan Connolly

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