Monday, November 28, 2016

Happy Halloween everyone!

Happy Halloween everyone!
 This week was such a blast for reals! It was awesome to see all of the wonderful miracles that happened this week. Its amazing to see how the Lord is always helping us to find poeple to teach and say exactly what they need to hear. I have felt such an overwhelming feeling of gratitud this week because I know that we have the restrored Gospel of Jesus Christ. 
This week we had our zone conference which was amazing!!!! We had a blast! We were able to eat "popusas" which are a common food in El Salvador and my copmanion was sooo happy! haha She is hilarious!!!! love it! I am so grateful for Pdt George who helps to understand what we need to do/change to become better missionaries. In this conference our leaders helped us to understand that we need to be even more obidiente so that we can see even more miracles here in our mission! 
Now.. the explication for the Subject of this email. haha It was because this week during our Weeky Planning my companion and I were  just about to finish and all we had left to do was our weekly inventory. haha Now I have to explain that for some reason my compa doesnt like doing weekly inventories. lol! So l was like... "Yay! Inventory!" haha she just laughed and started explaining that all she wants to say it that she loves me and then ya. haha I explained to her yet again that she can say something she liked about this week and then something that I can change to be better. haha she was super frustrated because she somehow thinks I do everything perfectly... haha which is so not true. hahaha so yeah.. it was super funny because them she says... " Its because you wont get any better" LOL! I died laughing! 
I love how althugh we are truly so imperfect the Lord helps to become better. Something that I learned from this week was that we sometimes just have to trust in the plan of the Lord. In my studies this week I learned that our loving Heavenly Father wants us to CHOOSE to follow Him. He will never ever force us to do something or to be something that we are not. He loves us and knows us. and the best part is... He knows what we can become! He will always honor our ability to choose However, He will always help us to find and follow HIs plan. He knows that its what is best for us. I am so grateful for the opportunity to be able to help Him in His work. I know that everyone needs to be loved and everyone needs the knowledge of the restored Gospel. 
Sorry I didnt get to write much this week! Sorry!!! 
Just so you all know its super awesome here with it being Halloween and all. hahaha there are a bunch of people selling flowers and stuff around the cemetary! Its awesome! haha 

Love you all!!!
With love,
Hna Morgan Connolly

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